Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kate Quotes

I spent most of yesterday and today with my niece Katelyn.  And today she delighted us several times. It was a treat!  I have included a conversation she had with Papa (Grandpa) while we trekked through the countryside around Norwalk (looking for the car hospital for Auntie B's car) and were finally on our way home.  Then, below that, is Katelyn showing Papa how to play Hide the Ball (the Ball Game).  Such a delight.

Kate: Where are we going?
Papa:  I think we are going back to Grandma's house.
Kate: Auntie B, are we going to Grandma's house?
Aunti B: Yes.
Kate: (to re-assure Papa) she said Yes, we are going to Grandma's house!

Papa you can rest easy, I talked to the source and she says we are going back to your house.  Classic.

1 comment:

  1. Hah! She found the ball easier than you!

    Stopping by from your sisters blog :-)

    How come you haven't joined The Blogging Buddies yet? You can use your sisters name for a referral.

    Have a marvelous weekend!

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